5 Spots You Should Never Start Flying Your DJI Drone From—Solutions
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More often than not... The very first task drone pilots typically do, is to set themselves up in a comfortable location to fully immerse themselves during a flying session.
Unintentionally, these locations innocently led to some of my past drone crashes, of which I would like to share some of those shortcomings with you.

#1. NEVER START FLYING From Under Trees
On a hot sunny day, it is common for many drone pilots to find a shaded area away from the basking sun, to set up camp for their drone activities.
A choice most commonly chosen under the vast canopies of trees, these well-covered spots are easy locations for any comfortable drone-take-off. On the flip side, they are definitely not suitable for any inexperienced drone landings, notably DJI Drones.
As shared in one of my previous articles, 5 Lessons To Take Note Before You Start Flying Your DJI Drone, these under-tree-positions are especially not suitable for amateur DJI Drone pilots due to the heavy reliance on the lateral-based GPS tracking system that DJI Drones is primarily based on.

Crashes will definitely happen during these “Return-To-Home (RTH)” default flights, as most of these DJI Drones may: (a) Not include the more advanced multi-sensory systems built into the higher-end drones, or (b) Ultimately reached the last leg of the battery reserves after a long-flight out and there is just insufficient battery juice left to allow the drone to safely navigate away from the treetop to land safely.